Raising an Alpaca Baby Orphan Video Part 1

posted in: Alpaca FAQ, Wisteria News | 0

Hi Friends! Milano is our first alpaca baby orphan on our farm and we wanted to share our experiences and what we’ve learned along the way with you. I have saved video clips but we waited to share until Milano was growing up to be a very healthy happy well-adjusted alpaca! I am planning to create a few more videos 🙂

He is getting goat milk in his little kitten bottles. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me using our contact form or add comments to the video itself on our channel. If you are interested in staying updated, please make sure to subscribe to our Wisteria farm newsletter as well as to our Youtube channel (and I think you need to click on the bell to be notified of new videos). Enjoy and hope you learn something new and interesting 🙂